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Crosby User's Guide for Lifting Online Training Program
In today’s fast-paced world, it’s not always easy to find the time to teach ourselves new information. However, we all know how important it is to be knowledgeable and safe when it comes to the powerful rigging products we rely on every day. Fortunately, our User’s Guide for Lifting training program makes it easier than ever for all users to master the fundamentals of rigging when using Crosby hardware in conjunction with wire rope, chain, and synthetic slings.
For many years, we offered this training program on CD-ROM and it was immensely popular. Now, we are thrilled to offer this enhanced, online version of the program via the Crosby website. (See link below.) The course covers the principles of rigging by following the format of the Crosby User’s Guide for Lifting pocket-sized rigging card. Comprised of 15 bite-sized videos, the web-based program makes it easy to either work at your own pace or tackle the entire course in about 4 hours. Upon completing each of the 15 videos, your comprehension of that topic’s material will be assessed with a quiz. When the entire course is completed you will receive a Crosby Certificate of training completion. The cost to participate in the Crosby User’s Guide for Lifting training program is just $15.00.
The educational modules in this new Crosby training program include:
- Risk Management & Terminology
- The Basic Rigging Plan
- Inspection of Rigging Hardware
- Inspection of Slings
- Wire Rope Sling Capacities
- Wire Rope Sling Connections & Hitches
- Chain Sling Capacities, Connections, & Hitches
- Synthetic Web & Round Slings
- C.O.G. / Weights & Measures
- Sling Angles
- Shackles & Hoist Hooks
- Links, Rings, & Turnbuckles
- Eye Bolts & Hoist Rings
- Operating Practices & Load Control
- Wire Rope Clips
Additional topics discussed include: Calculating the Weight of the Load, Center of Gravity, ASME/OSHA Standards, and Load Control Basics.
The introductory & instructional video can be accessed at:
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2016 Training Schedule
Crosby considers it their responsibility to ensure that users are knowledgeable on the product’s proper use. To accomplish that, Crosby provides an “industry first”, comprehensive set of instructions to educate users on proper installation, use, inspection, and maintenance of its products. With some of the most experienced and recognized trainers in the industry, Crosby training is second to none. The comprehensive training covers all aspects of the lift, from before the lift considerations, to selecting the right product for the job. To that end, there is a Crosby seminar somewhere in the world every day.
2016 ASME-North America
2016 ASME Rigging Trainer Development Schedule
Course Objectives – ASME/OSHA Day 1
Course Objectives – ASME/OSHA Day 2
2016 Offshore-North America
2016 OFFSHORE Rigger Trainer Development Schedule
Course Objectives – OFFSHORE Day 1
Course Objectives – OFFSHORE Day 2
2016 Land-Based-North America
2016 LAND-BASED Rigger Trainer Development Schedule
Course Objectives – Land Based Day 1
Course Objectives – Land Based Day 2
For Europe and Middle East regions please contact Crosby Europe at For Crosby seminar information in Latin America and Asia please contact Crosby at
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Crosby Pocket Size Block Rigging Card
For use in Crosby’s Block Clinic rigging seminars and for end users to use in the field, Crosby has for many years made available a laminated pocket size rigging card called “Block Selection and Application Guide.” The Crosby pocket size rigging card gives the user in the field quick and easy access to much of the same information found in the Crosby training Block Clinic workbook, including information on determining true mechanical advantage, block loading, D/d ratio and needed overhaul weight. Some of the other key features of our standard pocket size rigging card include:
- Definition of mechanical advantage
- Reeving basics
- Snatch Block loading
- Basic rigging plan using angle factor multipliers
- User responsibilities
- Proper methods to install a wedge socket
- Sheave Bearing basics
- General block and sheave inspection information
It includes 18 fold out panels of information and is available in both imperial and metric units. (Only available in English at this time)
Thanks for letting Crosby be a part of your training endeavors. RIG SAFE!
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Cargo Handling Specialists
At Crosby, we strive to be the industry specialist in every aspect of what we do. In the cargo handling world, we strive to provide uncompromising industry knowledge, training and products to all aspects of the cargo handling companies we work with. We believe good training is the foundation to successful rigging work. Below you will find three of the recommended courses specific to the Cargo Handling Industry.
DNV 2.7.1 Training

Crosby provides training on the design, selection, and marking requirements for” lifting sets” to comply with DNV 2.7.1 for offshore containers. An offshore container is a portable unit with a maximum gross mass not exceeding 25 000 kg, for repeated use in the transport of goods or equipment, handled in open seas, to, from or between fixed and/or floating installations and ships. The education provided assists the user on proper selection of rigging hardware in conjunction with wire rope slings to comply with this important standard.
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Crosby YouTube Channel
Chances are you might have seen the announcements about Crosby’s new Vitalife® video or perhaps you’ve made your way over to the video resource page on our website to watch one of our training videos. What you might not know is that Crosby has all these videos—and many, many more—available to watch instantly in one location: the Crosby YouTube channel.

The Crosby YouTube channel is the best way to access the full collection of Crosby videos. The channel currently has 112 videos spanning a wide range of instructional topics, including product performance and inspection, product training, and rigging tips. You’ll also find videos that get to the heart of our company’s culture, such as our three-minute corporate video and the videos of Crosby’s participation in the ALS ice bucket challenge.
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Sorting hooks are used in different types of end user markets. Perhaps you have been trained on the proper use of sorting hooks or perhaps this training has eluded you in the past. Regardless, you can test your knowledge on the proper use of Crosby sorting hooks by taking this short quiz. Click here for the imperial quiz or here for the metric quiz if you are you up for the challenge.
Thanks for letting Crosby be a part of your rigging education endeavors. Rig Safe!
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“Hey Lou”, Stan said as he entered Lou’s office. “We have a problem with the hook in the block on the No. 2 crane.”
Lou looked up and replied, “What happened? Did someone get hurt?”
“Not yet”, Stan continued, “but if we don’t get it fixed, they might. It is old and worn, loose in the housing, the latch no longer engages as it should, and the guys on the floor are worried about it.”
“We need to get it fixed then”, Lou replied, “Get with Ruth in purchasing, tell her what you need, and have her get a quote from our Crosby distributor.”
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(Fundamentals of Rigging Information)
For use in our standard fundamentals of rigging seminars and for end users to use in the field, Crosby has for many years made available laminated pocket size rigging cards called “Users Guide” or “Users Guide for Lifting” reference cards.
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