Crosby News

Here is the Johnstown, PA "Inclined Plane" using Crosby's Vitalife Wire Rope Lubricant

Posted by Crosby on Sep 21, 2015 2:00:00 PM


The Johnstown PA famous "Inclined Plane" cable car system uses Crosby's Vitalife penetrating wire rope lubricant to provide around the clock protection from the elements. The cable car is a historic transit system built in 1891 after the Johnstown flood. The Inclined Plane's original purpose was to provide a means of rescue for those who lived in the valley in the event of future flooding. However, it quickly became a means to connect downtown with the higher grounds of Westmont Borough in order to develop that area residentially. During Johnstown's two other floods in 1936 and 1977, the Incline became a lifesaver, helping people to escape downtown as well as to ship supplies into the valley. 

As a part of the Cambria County Transit Authority the Incline maintenance schedule includes the use of Vitalife 400 for lubricating the newly installed wire ropes used for the daily trips by visitors and locals alike. "We started using vitalife on a regular schedule to protect and lubricate our new wire rope cables on our Inclined Plane in Johnstown, PA. The wire rope is exposed to all weather elements year round. We are confident Vitalife 400 will provide our new cable system with lubricating protection for the riggers of everyday use" commented Don Gibson with the CCTA.

Crosby® Vitalife® 400 is a wire rope lubricant that penetrates to the core of the wire rope providing inner strand preservation and lubricity, while also adhering to the surface of strands providing excellent corrosion protection. Vitalife 400 allows for easy visual inspection of ropes and reduces the friction between the strands of the wire rope, thus extending wire rope life. The product is non-tacky and will not attract dust.  


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